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- Written by Tim Wilson
- Hits: 43823
This site has been created to help inform the community of safety and awareness issues, as well as to strengthen the relationship between our members and the community.
We are located in the South Eastern part of Nash County about 14 miles from Wilson and 32 miles from the State capitol Raleigh. The Bailey Fire Department has 45 regular members, 2 JR firefighters and a Ladies Auxiliary. The Bailey Fire Department was established in 1948 and began its first year of rescue duties in 2007 when it purchased the equipment from the Mt Pleasant Rescue department and took over the district that they supported under contract with Nash County. The duties include backup ambulance service and primary rescue duties including water rescue and extrication. The Bailey Fire Department currently is certified as Heavy Rescue by the NC Rescue Association and has a fire protection rating of a 3 in town and a 4 in the rural district. The Bailey Fire District is approximately 38 square miles. Bailey Fire Department operates out of 2 stations. Station 1 is located at 6336 Main Street and Station 2 is located at 2509 West Hornes Church Road.